Logical Operators In Java

Logical Operator ?

Logical operator allow a program to make a decision based on multiple conditions. Each operand is considered a condition that can be evaluated to a true or false value.

Then the value of the conditions is used to determine the overall value of the op1 operator op2 or !op1 grouping.

The && operator is used to determine whether both operands or conditions are true.

The || is used to determine whether either of the conditions is true.

The ! operator is used to convert true values to false and false values to true.

Logical Operators

Operator Description
&& And operator. if both expressions evaluate to True, result is True. If either expression evaluates to False, result is False
|| Or operator. if either or both expressions evaluate to True, result is True
! Not operator. Performs logical negation on an expression.

Example 1:

Output :

a && b = false
a || b = true
!(a && b) = true

Example 2:

Output :

a & b=1
a | b=97
a ^ b= 96
~a= -66
boool1 & bool2=true
bool2 & bool3= true
bool2 | bool3= true
bool1 ^ bool2= false
!bool1= false