Arithmetic Operator In Java
Definition of an Arithmetic Operators ?
Arithmetic operators are classified as unary, binary and ternary operators based on the number of operands used. The unary operators requires only one operand (+,-,++,--); Binary operators requires two operands(+,-,*,^,/,% and the ternary operator requires three operands(?).
➦All arithmetic operators compute the result of specific arithmetic operation and returns its result. The arguments are not modified.
➦Arithmetic operators "+" and "-" are used to manipulate pointers by adding or subtracting the numeric value to or from the pointers without generating any exception during overflow of the of the pointer's domain.
➦Arithmetic operators can be overloaded when used with user-defined types to extend the nature of normal operators, thus providing additional functionalities.
Arithmetic Operators
Operator | Description | Example |
+ | Addition | a+b |
- | Subtraction | a-b |
* | Multiplication | a*b |
/ | Division | a/b |
% | Modulus | a%b |
Increment and Decrement Operators
Operator | Description | Example |
++ | Post Increment | a++ |
-- | Post Decrement | a-- |
++a | Pre Increment | ++a |
--a | Pre Decrement | --b |
Relational Operators
Operator | Description | Example |
== | Is equal to | a==b |
!= | Is not equal to | a!=b |
> | Greater than | a>b |
< | Less than | a<b |
>= | Greater than or equal to | a>=b |
<= | Less than or equal to | a<=b |
Logical Operators
Operator | Description |
&& | And operator. if both expressions evaluate to True, result is True. If either expression evaluates to False, result is False |
|| | Or operator. if either or both expressions evaluate to True, result is True |
! | Not operator. Performs logical negation on an expression. |
Bitwise Operators
Operator | Description |
<< | Binary left Shift Operator |
>> | Binary Right Shift Operator |
~ | Binary One's Complement Operator |
& | Binary AND Operator |
^ | Binary XOR Operator |
| | Binary OR Operator |
Assignment Operators
Operator | Description |
= | Assign |
+= | Increments, then assigns |
-= | Decrements, then assigns |
*= | Multiplies, then assigns |
/= | Divides, then assigns |
%= | Modulus, then assigns |
<<= | Left shift and assigns |
>>= | Right shift and assigns |
&= | Bitwise AND assigns |
^= | Bitwise exclusive OR and assigns |
|= | Bitwise inclusive OR and assigns |
Example :
Output :
num1 + num2: 120 num1 - num2: 80 num1 * num2: 2000 num1 / num2: 5 num1 % num2: 0