JavaScript Math Object With Example
JavaScript Math Object
The math object provides the properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions.
Unlike the other global objects, Math is not a constructor.
All properties and methods of Math are static and can be called by using Math as an objcet without creating it.
var pi_val = Math.PI;//Math object need not be created var sine_val = Math.sin(30);
Math Properties
Property | Description |
E | Returns Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms, e, approximately 2.718 |
LN2 | Returns the natural logarithm of 2, approximately 0.693 |
LN10 | Returns the natural logarithm of 10, approximately 2.302 |
LOG2E | Returns the base 2 logarithm of e, approximately 1.442 |
LOG10E | Returns the base 10 logarithm of e, approximately 0.434 |
PI | Returns the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (i.e. π). The approximate value of PI is 3.14159 |
SQRT1_2 | Returns the square root of 1/2, approximately 0.707 |
SQRT2 | Returns the square root of 2, approximately 1.414 |
JavaScript Math Methods
Method | Description |
abs() | Returns the absolute value of a number. |
acos() | Returns the arccosine of a number, in radians. |
acosh() | Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of a number. |
asin() | Returns the arcsine of a number, in radians |
asinh() | Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of a number. |
atan() | Returns the arctangent of a number, in radians. |
atan2(y, x) | Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments. |
atanh() | Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of a number. |
cbrt() | Returns the cube root of a number. |
ceil() | Returns the next integer greater than or equal to a given number (rounding up). |
cos() | Returns the cosine of the specified angle. The angle must be specified in radians. |
cosh() | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number. |
exp(x) | Returns ex, where x is the argument, and e is Euler's number (also known as Napier's constant), the base of the natural logarithms. |
floor() | Returns the next integer less than or equal to a given number (rounding down). |
log() | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number. |
max(x, y, ...) | Returns the highest-valued number in a list of numbers. |
min(x, y, ...) | Returns the lowest-valued number in a list of numbers. |
pow(x, y) | Returns the base to the exponent power, that is, xy. |
random() | Returns a random number between 0 and 1 (including 0, but not 1). |
round() | Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer. |
sin() | Returns the sign of a number (given in radians). |
sinh() | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number. |
sqrt() | Returns the square root of a number. |
tan() | Returns the tangent of a number. |
tanh() | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number. |
trunc(x) | Returns the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits. |
Read Also:
- JavaScript number Object
- JavaScript Native Object
- JavaScript Boolean Object
- JavaScript String Object
- JavaScript Array Object
- JaaScript Date Object
- JavaScript RegExp Object