JavaScript Bitwise Operator With Example
JavaScript Operators Definition
An operator that performs some operation on single or multiple operands and produces a result is called Operators.
An Operators are symbols or keyword that enable JavaScript to perform some sort of actions.
JS Bitwise Operator:
JavaScript bitwise operators evaluate and perform specific bitwise (32 bits either zero or one) expression.
Operator | Sign | Description |
Bitwise AND | & | Return bitwise AND operation for given two operands. |
Bitwise OR | | | Return bitwise OR operation for given two operands. |
Bitwise XOR | ^ | Return bitwise XOR operation for given two operands. |
Bitwise NOT | ~ | Return bitwise NOT operation for given operand. |
Bitwise Shift Left | << | Return left shift of given operands. |
Bitwise Shift Right | >> | Return right shift of given operands. |
Bitwise Unsigned Shift Right | >>> | Return right shift without consider sign of given operands. |
Bitwise AND :0 Bitwise OR :15 Bitwise XOR :15 Bitwise NOT :-6 Bitwise Shift Left :40 Bitwise Shift Right :2 Unsigned Shift Right :2
Read Also:
- JS-Arithmetic Operators
- JS-Comparison Operators
- JS-Logical Operators
- JS-Assignment Oerators
- JS-Conditional Operators (or) ternary Operator
- JS-Increment Decrement Operator