Write a C Program to Reverse a String using recursion

Write a C Program to Reverse a String using recursion

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 void reverse_string(char*, int, int);

 int main()
    //This array would hold the string upto 150 char
    char string_array[150];
    printf("Enter any string:");
    scanf("%s", &string_array);

    //Calling our user defined function
    reverse_string(string_array, 0, strlen(string_array)-1);
    printf("\nReversed String is: %s",string_array);
    return 0;
 void reverse_string(char *x, int start, int end)
    char ch;
    if (start >= end)

    ch = *(x+start);
    *(x+start) = *(x+end);
    *(x+end) = ch;
    //Function calling itself: Recursion
    reverse_string(x, ++start, --end);


 Enter any string:Aimtocode

 Reversed String is: edocotmiA